Herbal Supplement
Growing Child needs more than love & care, they need VITAL protection. KIDZ VITAL SYRUP is a Comprehensive Paediatric Tonic for complete growth & vital care of the child. Indications : Benefits : Recommended Dosage:
View ProductGood defence or immunity is of paramount importance in fighting against microbial and viral infections. Poor immunity, in general, has a huge negative impact on productivity in school, at work, and even within the family. Retaining good immune health is the number one way to prevent illness. OPTILIFE+ CAPSULES, a potent natural bodyguard, helps enjoy… Continue reading OPTILIFE + CAPSULES
View ProductMEM+ PLUS SYRUP is a comprehensive herbal tonic that boosts memory and improves cognitive functions. It improves the quality of sleep. Traditionally tested herbal ingredients of Mem+ Plus increases grasping & retaining power, concentration, mental alertness, and restore memory. Indications: Cognitive & memory deficits Lack of concentration, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Language & learning… Continue reading MEM+ PLUS SYRUP
View ProductMEM+ SIGMA TABLET is a comprehensive herbal brain tonic that boosts memory, restores cognitive deficits, and improves mental function. It is an excellent cognition and memory enhancer. Traditionally tested herbal ingredients of MEM+ SIGMA TABLET relieve mental stress, increase recollection power, concentration, mental alertness, and restore memory. Indications : Benefits : MEM+ SIGMA TABLET… Continue reading MEM + SIGMA TABLET
View ProductMAMATONE CAPSULES is a comprehensive galactagogue and rejuvenating medicine that effectively promotes lactation and nourishes the mother as well as the baby in natural ways. It helps to enhance the quality and quantity of breastmilk. MAMATONE CAPSULES helps to break the vicious cycle of diminished milk secretion due to nutritional or psychosomatic and emotional factors… Continue reading MAMATONE CAPSULES
View ProductKAL TABLET helps to improve bone health. Benefits : Benefits of KAL TABLET include: Enhances Bone Mineral Density Improves Muscular strength, balance & agility Helps replenish age-related reduced bone density Enhances Calcium absorption Improves the quality of life KAL TABLET helps to improve bone health. Enhances Calcium Absorption, Effective in Reduced Bone Mineral Density… Continue reading KAL TABLET
View ProductHEPALINA SYRUP is a combination of time tested & well documented herbal ingredients for all kinds of liver disorders. It offers anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant properties. This comprehensive formulation also ensures the protection of hepatocytes against various toxins. It enhances the functional efficiency of the liver; Improves appetite, digestion & metabolism. Effective in the treatment… Continue reading HEPALINA SYRUP
View ProductHEPALINA CAPSULES is a combination of time tested and well-documented herbs in all kind of liver disorders. HEPALINA offers antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This comprehensive formulation also ensures protection of hepato cytes against various toxins. Indications : BENEFITS: Eliminates toxins & promptly detoxifies the blood Reduces inflammation of hepatocytes (liver cells) Increases… Continue reading HEPALINA CAPSULES
View ProductGalcure Tablet is a unique formulation which provides relief from gall bladder stones. It helps disintegrates gall bladder stones (choleliths) as well as prevents their formation. Galcure Tablet has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial functions. Indications : Benefits : It helps with disintegration,dislodgementand expulsion of gallstone. Galcure Tablet supports in preventing recurrence of gall bladder… Continue reading GALCURE TABLETS
View ProductFEMTONIC SYRUP is a safe and non-hormonal therapy for menstrual disorders. It restores the H-P-O Axis and maintains hormonal balance, thereby helps regularize the menstrual cycle. FEMTONIC SYRUP reduces the frequency and intensity of uterine contractions and controls untimely and excessive uterine bleeding. It also ensures endometrial integrity. Indications : Benefits : FEMTONIC… Continue reading FEMTONIC SYRUP
View ProductDIANEEM CAPSULES are safe & effective herbal formula in all stages of Type-2 Diabetes – right from pre-diabetic stage to the diabetic complications. It helps to reduce blood sugar levels without causing hypoglycaemic episodes. DIANEEM CAPSULES minimizes the chances of diabetic complications, if started sufficiently early. DIANEEM CAPSULES – Natural protection to Diabetics at all… Continue reading DIANEEM CAPSULES
View ProductFast-acting Formula for Sore Throat, Common Cold & Cough. Offers the expected soothing effect to the throat without compromising sugar levels. Recommended in diabetic patients Completely safe in long term use. Indications : Benefits : CHESTEEZ COUGH SYRUP SUGAR FREE – Fast-acting Formula for Sore Throat, Common Cold & Cough Recommended… Continue reading CHESTEEZ COUGH SYRUP SUGAR FREE
View ProductCHESTEEZ COUGH SYRUP is an ayurvedic formulation effective in various types of upper respiratory tract symptoms like cough, sore throat, and common cold. It is a fast-acting Ayurvedic formula for cough & cold. Benefits : Benefits of CHESTEEZ COUGH SYRUP: Soothes irritated mucosa Powerful anti-allergic activity Strong anti-inflammatory action Potent mucolytic & expectorant action… Continue reading CHESTEEZ COUGH SYRUP
View ProductCARDINA CAPSULES is a comprehensive cardioprotective. CARDINA acts as an antianginal, hypolipidemic and antioxidant herbal formulation. It is safe to take CARDINA as an adjuvant therapy along with the conventional medicines administered in cardiac problems. Benefits : CARDINA CAPSULES helps to support Cardiovascular functions. Benefits of CARDINA CAPSULES include: Comprehensive cardioprotective Acts as Anti-anginal Hypolipidemic… Continue reading CARDINA CAPSULES
View ProductBONITA syrup is potent herbal ayurvedic formulation effective in paediatrics patients. Common gastrointestinal disorders in infants and children, including infantile colic, diarrhoea, worms, abdominal pain and dyspepsia are well addressed by BONITA syrup. The formula possesses good antibacterial, antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflam matory, anthelmintic, hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory properties. BONITA syrup maintains overall health and well-being of… Continue reading BONITA SYRUP
View ProductBILAVAREX SYRUP is a potent ayurvedic formula for strengthening the GI tract. It also acts as an anti-diarrhoeal agent and effective in reducing irritability of bowel movements in IBS thus helping in the normal functioning of the GI tract. BILAVAREX SYRUP improves digestion and reduces colic associated with diarrhoea. It is useful in stress-induced IBS.… Continue reading BILAVAREX SYRUP
View ProductRelief from Acidity by natural Way. Amlahaari Tablet is an ayurvedic medicine for relief in conditions of hyperacidity, heartburn, gastro-oesophageal reflux, abdominal distension and gastritis. It has mucosal anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer activity. It helps to relieve nausea, vomiting, discomfort and pain due to gastric erosion. It has carminative action. It is also an excellent gastroprotective… Continue reading AAMLAHARI TABLETS
View ProductAn Ayurvedic Solution on Stress & Anxiety. Zyquil Tablet is an ayurvedic anxiolytic formula for mental health. It helps to control anxiety & aggressive behaviour. It also reduces stress & irritation. It is adaptogenic & controls mood swings. Its neuroprotective action calms the nervous system. This antioxidant formula relieves stress & strain by counteracting the… Continue reading ZYQUIL TABLETS
View ProductX-PILES TABLETS is a potent herbal treatment for haemorrhoids. It helps to reduce the pile mass in sentinel tags in anal fissures. BENEFITS: ->Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory: Reduces pain, swelling & burning sensation Arrests bleeding Soothes perianal region, reduces itching Quick regression/reduction of pile mass & Sentinal tags in anal fissures Has mild laxative action. Reduces… Continue reading X PILES TABLETS
View ProductVITALIFE Capsules is a safe herbal formula to improve vigour and vitality. It also helps in stress relief and facilitates neuromuscular tone. VITALIFE Capsules also acts as an aphrodisiac and help improve stamina and male sexual dysfunction. Benefits : Improves vigour & vitality Relieves stress Facilitates neuromuscular tone Improves stamina Improves sexual efficiency Restores… Continue reading VITALIFE CAPSULES
View ProductURRICALI TABLETS helps to facilitate the disintegration or break down of urinary stones and improves urine flow naturally. URRICALI TABLETS helps to facilitate the disintegration or break down of urinary stones and improves urine flow naturally. Factors like excessive physical exertion, heat stroke (caused due to exposure to the Sun), intake of spicy foods and… Continue reading URRICALI TABLETS
View ProductURRICALI SYRUP is a combination of natural lithotriptic (helps crushing urinary stones) ingredients. It facilitates the passage of urinary calculi/stones by diuretic action. Apart from the disintegration/break down of urinary stones and flushing them out, URRICALI SYRUP also prevents the reoccurrence of urine stones. It also effectively cures and prevents urinary tract infections. URRICALI SYRUP… Continue reading URRICALI SYRUP
View ProductREVE Capsules is specifically designed to address female sexual diseases (FSD). It helps boost sexual desire (libido) and arousal in women. It also helps combat physical and mental debility. REVE Capsules acts as the best aphrodisiac and rejuvenator for female health. Benefits : Best female aphrodisiac Boosts sexual desire (libido) and arousal in women Combats… Continue reading REVE CAPSULES
View ProductProstanill Tablet is an innovative formula that helps the healthy functioning of the prostate and male reproductive system. It normalizes male urogenital function and ensures the normal flow of urine. It inhibits the pro-inflammatory response of prostate cells thus effective in treatment. It offers protection and support without any side effects. Indications : … Continue reading PROSTANIL TABLETS
View ProductPhyt-Fluz syrup is indicated in various types of fevers and infections. It is effective in various types of respiratory tract symptoms like common cold, cough, sore throat, chest congestion and breathlessness. Benefits : Phyt-Fluz syrup reduces bronchospasm, liquefies thick mucus, and helps its easy expulsion through respiratory tract. It is an immunomodulator. It possesses anti-inflammatory… Continue reading PHYT- FLUZ SYRUP
View ProductParadizo Pluz Capsule is a herbo mineral antioxidant formulation that helps to improve sperm count and semen density. The potent antioxidants in Paradizo pluz like Ashwagandha and Gokshura help to reduce neurogenic stress and oxidative stress which is responsible for Loss of libido, Premature ejaculation, and Erectile dysfunction. Paradizo pluz helps to improve neuromuscular tone… Continue reading PARADIZO PLUZ CAPSULES
View ProductPARADIZO CAPSULES is an Ayurvedic preparation that has been formulated as a potent aphrodisiac. It stimulates libido, sex power, and rejuvenates the body. It also strengthens neuromuscular tone and helps to achieve normal erectile function. PARADIZO CAPSULES are free from any adverse effects especially related with cardiovascular system as usually seen with modern stimulant drugs.… Continue reading PARADIZO CAPSULES
View ProductOSTEO TABLET is a multipurpose care formula for joints & bones. Benefits : o Rapid relief in stiff joints o Provides Calcium o Immunomodulator o Anti-inflammatory relief in Rheumatoid Arthritis OSTEO TABLET – Multipurpose care formula for joints & bones. Indications: o Osteoarthritis o Rheumatoid arthritis o Arthralgia o Inflammation & swelling of joints… Continue reading OSTEO TABLET
View ProductGood defence or immunity is of paramount importance in fighting against microbial and viral infections. Poor immunity, in general, has a huge negative impact on productivity in school, at work and even within the family. Retaining good immune health is the number one way to prevent illness. OPTILIFE SYRUP, a potent natural bodyguard, helps enjoy… Continue reading OPTILIFE SYRUP