COLOSTRA CHEWABLE TABLETS is the ultimate immunity booster with powerful antibiotic, efficient probiotic, and trusted immunomodulator properties. Colostrum (Also known as beestings or first milk) is a form of milk produced by the mammary glands in late pregnancy and the few days after giving birth. -> L’Amar COLOSTRA is sourced from buffaloes and it contains… Continue reading COLOSTRA CHEWABLE TABLETS
View ProductMEM+ SIGMA TABLET is a comprehensive herbal brain tonic that boosts memory, restores cognitive deficits, and improves mental function. It is an excellent cognition and memory enhancer. Traditionally tested herbal ingredients of MEM+ SIGMA TABLET relieve mental stress, increase recollection power, concentration, mental alertness, and restore memory. Indications : Benefits : MEM+ SIGMA TABLET… Continue reading MEM + SIGMA TABLET
View ProductKAL TABLET helps to improve bone health. Benefits : Benefits of KAL TABLET include: Enhances Bone Mineral Density Improves Muscular strength, balance & agility Helps replenish age-related reduced bone density Enhances Calcium absorption Improves the quality of life KAL TABLET helps to improve bone health. Enhances Calcium Absorption, Effective in Reduced Bone Mineral Density… Continue reading KAL TABLET
View ProductGalcure Tablet is a unique formulation which provides relief from gall bladder stones. It helps disintegrates gall bladder stones (choleliths) as well as prevents their formation. Galcure Tablet has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial functions. Indications : Benefits : It helps with disintegration,dislodgementand expulsion of gallstone. Galcure Tablet supports in preventing recurrence of gall bladder… Continue reading GALCURE TABLETS
View ProductBILAVAREX SYRUP is a potent ayurvedic formula for strengthening the GI tract. It also acts as an anti-diarrhoeal agent and effective in reducing irritability of bowel movements in IBS thus helping in the normal functioning of the GI tract. BILAVAREX SYRUP improves digestion and reduces colic associated with diarrhoea. It is useful in stress-induced IBS.… Continue reading BILAVAREX SYRUP
View ProductRelief from Acidity by natural Way. Amlahaari Tablet is an ayurvedic medicine for relief in conditions of hyperacidity, heartburn, gastro-oesophageal reflux, abdominal distension and gastritis. It has mucosal anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer activity. It helps to relieve nausea, vomiting, discomfort and pain due to gastric erosion. It has carminative action. It is also an excellent gastroprotective… Continue reading AAMLAHARI TABLETS
View ProductIt lubricates the joints and improves flexibility and movement. Relieves inflammation and pain caused due to Osteoarthritis. Inhibits the progression of Osteoarthritis Reduces the rate of collagen (joint tissue) degradation and symptoms of Osteoarthritis Maintains suppleness and flexibility of joints in Osteoarthritis Indications : Benefits : Recommended Dosage:
View ProductAn Ayurvedic Solution on Stress & Anxiety. Zyquil Tablet is an ayurvedic anxiolytic formula for mental health. It helps to control anxiety & aggressive behaviour. It also reduces stress & irritation. It is adaptogenic & controls mood swings. Its neuroprotective action calms the nervous system. This antioxidant formula relieves stress & strain by counteracting the… Continue reading ZYQUIL TABLETS
View ProductX-PILES TABLETS is a potent herbal treatment for haemorrhoids. It helps to reduce the pile mass in sentinel tags in anal fissures. BENEFITS: ->Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory: Reduces pain, swelling & burning sensation Arrests bleeding Soothes perianal region, reduces itching Quick regression/reduction of pile mass & Sentinal tags in anal fissures Has mild laxative action. Reduces… Continue reading X PILES TABLETS
View ProductURRICALI TABLETS helps to facilitate the disintegration or break down of urinary stones and improves urine flow naturally. URRICALI TABLETS helps to facilitate the disintegration or break down of urinary stones and improves urine flow naturally. Factors like excessive physical exertion, heat stroke (caused due to exposure to the Sun), intake of spicy foods and… Continue reading URRICALI TABLETS
View ProductProstanill Tablet is an innovative formula that helps the healthy functioning of the prostate and male reproductive system. It normalizes male urogenital function and ensures the normal flow of urine. It inhibits the pro-inflammatory response of prostate cells thus effective in treatment. It offers protection and support without any side effects. Indications : … Continue reading PROSTANIL TABLETS
View ProductOSTEO TABLET is a multipurpose care formula for joints & bones. Benefits : o Rapid relief in stiff joints o Provides Calcium o Immunomodulator o Anti-inflammatory relief in Rheumatoid Arthritis OSTEO TABLET – Multipurpose care formula for joints & bones. Indications: o Osteoarthritis o Rheumatoid arthritis o Arthralgia o Inflammation & swelling of joints… Continue reading OSTEO TABLET