60 Tablets
MEM+ SIGMA TABLET is a comprehensive herbal brain tonic that boosts memory, restores cognitive deficits, and improves mental function. It is an excellent cognition and memory enhancer. Traditionally tested herbal ingredients of MEM+ SIGMA TABLET relieve mental stress, increase recollection power, concentration, mental alertness, and restore memory.
- Indications :
- Benefits :
- MEM+ SIGMA TABLET are effective in:
- Cognition and memory deficits
- Lack of concentration
- Stress, depression, anxiety
- Dementia and fatigue due to aging
- Language and learning disability
- Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- MEM+ SIGMA TABLET is a comprehensive herbal brain tonic that boosts memory, restores cognitive deficits, and improves mental function.
- Recommended Dosage: